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We are all becoming something.
Hopefully, we know what we are moving towards, becoming…
a better person (whatever our definition of ‘better’ is)…
a more skilled worker…
a more loving parent, spouse, sibling, or child.

Life never keeps us stuck in 1 place, even when that’s exactly what we think our lives have become.

God is constantly inviting us to experience Him in more powerful, intimate, and unique ways if only we are willing to ‘become’ more like Him.

Paul describes it like this…

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2

Do you know what you are becoming?

Many times we fall victim to the false ideology that I am all that I can be and so we stop trying to move forward.
Instead, we just try to escape.
Escape into ourselves…
drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping…
sometimes our escape is more easily hidden like Netflix or something more deadly like pornography.

No matter how we view our lives, we are not living in a vacuum. We are BECOMING something. If you aren’t being intentional in your own life, than the frightening reality is that you have no idea where you are headed.

But don’t be fooled, you ARE heading somewhere!

Every invitation from God to follow His Word is an invitation to become something more.

Every moment when you see the world through His eyes, if only for a moment, is a supernatural awakening that is propelling you forward.

Every time you deny yourself for something more is a an opportunity to cast off the restraints that this world places on you.

As you ‘become’, it’s amazing how you discover the things that truly matter. Those things that you thought you had to have to be happy just don’t seem as important.

Those things that you have told yourself for your entire life that you needed to feel complete are no longer necessary.

Even struggle and pain don’t hold the same power or fear over you that they once did because you know something profound…
that you are becoming something and it is beautiful.

What are you becoming?

Mark Love
Lead Pastor

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