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As I type this and think about the last 10 years of our family’s life, I can hardly believe that Journey is 10 years old, but it is.
We have been blessed to do life and follow Christ with some of the greatest people on the planet.
We’ve also learned A LOT!

I want to invite you to our 10th Anniversary Celebration next Sunday, March 25th for a day to celebrate how far we have come, but also as a refocusing on how far God still has for us to go.

You see, as much as I love the last 10 years, it’s the next 10 that I’m most excited about!

There is a part of me that would love to reach a point where we can plant the flag and say…done. We did that.
But that’s not how God works. In Christ there is ALWAYS a next!
For me, for you, for US. We have a next in store for us and you have a part to play in it!

Here is what you can expect:

1. Our new First Impressions team is kicking off this weekend.
You will notice a new lobby layout, additional First Impression volunteers, and some much needed new guest materials and gifts for our guests. Volunteers will be wearing new tshirts with our new logo as well.
P.S. If you want a free shirt, you can sign up for the First Impressions team, too!

2. Next Sunday, March 25th, we will be having a special service.
Our Worship service will be shorter than our normal services. We will still have an incredible time of worship and time to share about what God has done among us, but we will be through by 11:30. Because…

3. Our FIRST Ministry Fair
Whether you are new to Journey or have been with us for a while, each of the ministries that we are a part of, inside the church and outside the church will be represented. You will have a chance to learn about current opportunities to serve and minister to others. You can also join up on the spot or schedule a later conversation to see if it is right for you.

4. Old Fashioned Pot Luck Dinner on the Grounds
After the Ministry Fair, join us for lunch with friends old and new! We will have a sign up this Sunday if you know what you plan to bring. Relationships are the most important part of any church, and we look forward to more times around a table with our family and friends in 2018.

Remember: God will meet you where you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there!

Mark Love
Lead Pastor

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