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2019 is in the books, for the most part. For some it was a great year and for others…not so much. For all of us, 2020 is an opportunity for a fresh start, one of the great gifts of seasonal life.

At the end of each year Deidra and I talk about what went well, what didn’t and what we will do differently in the year ahead. It’s a time to remember, a time to celebrate, a time to mourn and a time to plan for new things in a new year.

Jesus was all about fresh starts for those who would follow Him.

For the woman at the well embroiled in a sinful lifestyle, Jesus simply said, “Go and sin no more”.

For the rich young ruler, Jesus said, “Let go of the thing that your faith is tied to (wealth) and follow me”.

For the prodigal son, Jesus simply said, “Come home”.

For Peter (after failing to understand time and time again), Jesus encouraged him to continue following.

No matter what fresh start you need in 2020, Jesus is issuing a compassionate call to follow Him and the rest will fall into place. Begin a new chapter with a fresh focus on Jesus.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Mark

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