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Well, it’s official. This weekend, we will have more online worship services in 2020 than we have had in person.

I’ve noticed that we are a little (or a lot) less excited about a few extra days at home than we were a few short weeks ago. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. We are healthy and Deidra and I are both working, so I don’t have much to complain about BUT it’s starting to wear a little thin.

Each week, we are having to be creative about how we spend our time and money, especially with a very social 6 year old in the house. Sometimes it feels rough. Sometimes it feels exhausting. Sometimes we all just need a break.

That’s were the beauty of creativity comes in…it’s a muscle that’s meant to exercised and not neglected. It’s literally one of the most basic characteristics of God that we bear in his image.

In the beginning, God created and he created you in him image!

I’ve been excited to see our staff follow this same path as we go week by week into the unknown of total online ministry. Each week we share a call to catch up, see how everyone is doing, and think creatively about the next few months of ministry at Journey.

It’s not that we don’t like what we are doing now, but without creativity, it gets a little old.

We’re not certain about what the next few weeks brings, but we are still hopeful that we can meet on June 6th for an in the parking lot outdoor service, weather permitting.

We are also looking at some summer children’s ministry plans that allow you to work with your child through a combination of online and in person resources to continue their discipleship and give you some new ideas to care for them.

I know you are being creative, too and would love to hear about your plans for the summer in our Facebook group.

As the weeks continue to roll on, it’s time to be getting creative, together.

See you Sunday (on Facebook or Youtube)! 🙂

Pastor Mark

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